Wednesday, March 31, 2010

fruit salad

Have you heard the old saying " ya gotta make hay while the sun shine" or " when it rains it pours" Well that is what is happening to me. I've been working 9 to 10 hours at the day care and now I have been doing 6 to 12 hours over nights with dieing people. I have worked from Tue. 8:30 am to 6p.m. 7pm to 7 am and 8am to 6 pm Wed. Yep, and now I'm writing you. I can't fall to sleep. I should of worked tonight like they wanted, but I couldn't see myself with the kids tomorrow with three days of no sleep. Richard says I get 'cranky' when I''m tired. He's right but now I don't feel sleepy. I will have so much trouble getting up tomorrow, I know. Well I'm trying my hand at teaching preschool and kindergarten preparedness. If I remember correctly, that was how I started day care. It is a challenge, these kids have no respect for adults and have no discipline. It doesn't help that the owner is a tad OCD about how everything looks. She wants all the toys to be put away at all times. She also does not want any copies being made for the kids to color or worksheets. But compared to staying up all night with someone who is dieing, well it's apples and oranges and right now I don't feel like fruit salad.


  1. When you mess with your sleep as bad as you have done, it's ok to use a little pharmaceutical help to get you back to normal. Try and remember those sleep aid commercials that are always on in the middle of the night.

  2. Well I say, "Fruit salad, yummy, yummy." Ha ha. No seriously, go get some sleep.


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