Sunday, January 3, 2010

just disjointed thoughts

HAPPY NEW YEAR. I never thought I would ever see 2010. Boy, time does fly. I still don't have full time work, but I am working . You have to counts the haves instead of the have nots. With Richards sister in the hospital Christmas just kindof passed. We did go to our daughters home Christmas evening and enjoyed the company of strangers. I worked part of New Year's eve so Richard stayed up with me to see the new year come in. It is cold and they canceled church again so I sit around the house.( yes, I'm that big. ha ha) There is so much to do, but I just can't bring myself to do any of it. This is just rambling on. Disjointed thoughts and expressions. That is how my brain has been working these days. Something is missing. I can't just tell you what, just that nothing is working as it should. Maybe it is the lack of sun shine or warmth of any kind. Maybe just the after the holiday blahs, who knows. Well tomorrow is a new day, in a new year. I'll pull it all together, tomorrow. There is always a tomorrow.

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On the path to insanity? Are you there yet? Let me know, leave a comment.