Saturday, January 23, 2010

I'm not getting the message

Am I missing something or what? Well the daycare thing is in limbo at this time, waiting for clearances they say, I've passed them already 3 times. And guess what? I started a new client and after my first night, he went back to the hospital. I'm starting to think I'm missing some important message or something. Should I be in the caring profession? Where would I go if I were to leave? I'm good in factory work but there are no factories working around here right now. I would like to try my "hand" at radio, you know those late night chicks who sound so sexy. I wonder where I could find one of those jobs? I would love to run a store of chichiest, but I don't want to own it. I just don't know. I would go to the churches employment specialist but that's me in my branch. Funny, I seem to be the only one looking for work in my branch. So I send it out to the universe (or to you who read my blog) What should I try? Where should I go?

1 comment:

  1. I wish I had an answer for you. But . . . I still think you should come home. Then you could be unemployed here instead of there. Ha ha.


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