Wednesday, January 13, 2010


You say," now what?" but i guess it is good news. I ran into another care giver, for a couple I help with, who also works a daycare so I ask ,"where?" She gives me the phone number and location, I call and get an appointment to interview, I interview and am hired. Well as soon as all the clearance go through again I will work the closing, part time. So I guess I have a new job, but I'm not going to hold my breath. You see, the other company I work for have given me another full time position that has fallen through before I even got there and they promise that they are working on another one as we speak. I guess I'm just going to play by ear.
More news in church too. They released the branch president and starting next Sunday we will be having a short time president( till he moves in June) We are down to 5 active elders in our branch. We have 25 members coming on average and that is counting the children. Don't know how long this branch will stay active.
It is cold and snowing as it has been doing since Christmas and there seems to be no relief in sight. I can watch the ice flow on the lake and can see it all running to the falls. We have a total of 53 in. of snow and the drifts are even bigger. The woolly worm said it would be a late, hard, long winter and woolly worm has never lied to me. The older I get the more I hate winter. I hope you all are having fun in it.
All is well and we just keep going on. Don't look back and don't look to far forward. Enjoy today for what it offers and never want.


  1. Good luck with the new opportunity!

  2. I want. I want you to move back here. You can't watch the ice flows on the lake, but you can chew the inversion air. Yum!


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