Thursday, December 3, 2009

Is it care giving or not?

I'm sorry,but I have to put this down, in writing. I need help, help with Christmas, Christmas stories on how people help others. You see, life hasn't always been easy and I have had challenges and so have my kids. There were two Christmases that my daughters and I were alone and kind of lost. No home, no tree, and no presents. No money and a job hard to find, I didn't have anyone from the church bring food, no presents given, not even a car ride to get to church. I'm hopeful that the girls don't have bad memories of this time, but I have nightmares about it every year. Yes, I feel sorry for myself, every Christmas, I just can't seem to get over it. Where were all these heaven sent aid in my time of need? There's more than Christmas, there were times in the hospital that I couldn't get any help. There is the time when after having surgery I was called to take a meal to someone who had a baby. After explaining that I just had surgery and couldn't help out at this time you would think that they would help me? No, because I didn't need a meal, I needed someone to vacuum my rug. Oh well, I'm being petty, but I just can't seem to let it go. I have to admit that I don't do allot of compassionate service because of how I feel. O.K. there is my self pity, my steam, Now I need to let it go, out in the universe. Let it go. Not my problem any more. Well, we will see. I want to let it go, really I do. Christmas is the time to think of others, not self. Give all that love and care even if I didn't get it in my time. Hopefully I won't be leaving this legacy with someone else. Reach out. Care for others. Do what ever you can. Love, Live, Laugh.

1 comment:

  1. Think about what Christ went through. He spent his life giving, giving, giving. And then in his time of need even those who claimed to love him the most turned their backs. Even still people deny Him, even with all He's done and continues to do. Really makes you think, huh?


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