Thursday, September 24, 2009

Now What

Some times you wonder" is this really what I wanted to do?" I am officially a CNA now and working in the nursing home, I also have taken on an old lady with Alzheimer. Well I couldn't get her to bathe. Not that unusual I am a stranger but will I ever be able to get her to bathe? Am I really up to helping someone with Alzheimer? What do I really know about this disorder? I said good by to my handicapped job to do what? Yes, you could say that I'm a little scared but its more then that, it's different then scared, it's more "is this really what I want to do" I miss working with children, I miss playing, Is there a place for me? A place for a playing care giver? Now what? What other letters can I put behind my name "Vickie Smith CDA CNA"


  1. Congrats on getting CNA!! I would give you some advice on Alzheimer's, but I forgot it.

  2. Ha ha ha to Jay's comment. I hope you like the nursing home job. At least it's a stable job, right? Give it time, and you'll get more comfortable with the residents.


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