Wednesday, July 21, 2010

It's hot!

It's hot, it's humid and not a day to be sitting out side, but that is exactly what is expected from me. I have 10 little 4 and 5 year old to watch and they tell me we have to go outside after lunch so the bigger kids can eat and we aren't allowed to stay in the aer conditioning. I don't know, me sitting outside, in the sun, at 90 degrees. I melt. I break out in a sweat at 72 degrees. What do you do with 10 children any way? It's just too hot. I'm sure it's hot there with you too. When I was little and it was 100 degrees, with went inside to watch T.V. We played outside after dark in those days. In other daycare, we would sit and watch a movie during the hot times. I need to take care of these guys and we are not going out, in the heat, after lunch, so everyone else can sit in the cool. quietly. When it is hot it's hot.

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