Tuesday, June 8, 2010

No good deed goes unpunished

Things they are a changeing. I put my two week notice at the daycare and they would not take it. They want me to stay on as a relief person, I guess I can do that, maybe. I don't want to leave the kids, really. We'll have to see how it goes. Now for the home health? They gave me a great schedule, two 12 hour nights with my little old lawyer and two 8 hour nights at a beautiful group home for the elderly. Well it worked for 2 nights at least. You see, one of the residences wasn't feeling to well, up going to the bathroom every hour. He turned shocky and I could not find any information about his meds. I called the one I was to call and got no information. I called my new team leader(woke her up because it was around 2 am) got no help, then I called the person in charge of the homes. Well I got to take my first blood pressure and vitals, I gave a breathing treatment, he seem a little better but still was complaining. He got up again and promptly fainting in the bathroom. Its a small bath and two people don't fit. I was standing behind him. I grabbed from behind to keep him from slamming his head on the bathroom sink. I maneuvered his head between the wall and the sink, put my knees be hind his to get them to bend and tried hard for him to hit his head, hard, on the floor. I made him as comfortable as I could and called for help again and I wasn't taking no for an answer. It took two of us and a hoyer lift to get him up and in his chair. There were no pillows to give him. No blankets and no instructions. I took vitals again and they were good. Listened to his yelling for the next two hours and took care of the other resident and noticed my back had a twinge. I was told to write it up. I just finished my shift and went home (25 miles away) to sleep. Long story short, I had to go in and fill out new forms and see a doctor I got my prescription for muscle relaxers and got called again to take a drug test. I didn't get home till 4pm and was removed from the group homes. Oh well.

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