Thursday, November 26, 2009

It's worth the caring

Happy Thanksgiving. It has been a day, a day sleeping and staying home. Richard cooked our dinner, and that is something to be very thankful for. I have to go to work in 20 minutes, and I'm thankful for my job that is working out okay. It hasn't snowed, yet, and I am very, very thankful for that since I need snow tires put on. Richard's sister is out of I.C.U and that is something to be thankful for. Do you get the jest of this entry? I am thankful for all the blessing that my Father in Heaven has blessed me with, a thankful, grateful entry you could say. Caring for others make you realize how good you have it, at times. I love reading my family's blogs. I love keeping in touch with the family that is so far away. I went to a movie last week, A Christmas Carol, with Jim Carry. It was good but then I love the story. It needs to be a must this year, or at least a try. It's that time of year that we are reminded of out family and all the loved ones in our life. Though I am here in New York I still can be close to the family in Utah if I just imagine enough. ( maybe this year I'll get that Christmas Album cut) Let's all try to keep the conversation going okay? It's worth the caring.

1 comment:

  1. A day of sleeping and staying home is nice, I guess. I'm glad Dad cooked dinner for you. How is his hand?


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