Sunday, October 25, 2009

Who really needs the care

It's not always the job at hand, it's the people you have to work with, that makes it tough. Who did this and who does that, you know. I have that challenge going on as we speak. Who has been putting briefs into the laundry and who didn't change the dirty sheet on that resident. O f coarse it's not me, yes, that good old boy "not me" I thought I got rid of this pest on my last job. I guess we never really leave " not me" behind. You would think that grown ups could just do their job. That's all that I want to do, do my job. Can I really just let it go? Can I just do what I'm suppose to do? I hope so, but to be honest I would like to find a new job, again. I'm just tired, or am I always tired. Winter is coming and all I want to do is stay home. Well what I really want to do is to go home. I've said it I will say it again, I want to care for my family not strangers. So how is my family doing? what care do they need? Do they even need the care of their mother? Or do I need the care of my children? ah good question. Who really is need of the caring, the resident or the care giver?

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Do you know me well enough

Some times people have to get to know you before they let you help them. I got to know Erma's family a little too well so I had to quit. Now I have a old couple, they're a little on the crazy side and won't let me do much, yet, I got to vacuum today, may be, some day they'll let me do my job, for them. The other night, the Home had me working on a different floor, some of the residents let me in and then some wouldn't. I've gotten use to the floor I work on but still, let me explain, I had a talk with Max, I told him he didn't have to be scared, and just let go. Two minutes latter he took his last breathe but Fran, who I just love, wouldn't let me in at all. She told me that I would suffer for my sins. Well I guess she is right but what does that have to do with here yelling out at night ( which was why I went into her room) May be she knows me too well. Now how does a care giver do their work if the people you're to help won't let you help them, and then what is the help they really need? Do they really need me to clean, of keep them dry or do they need me just to acknowledge their existence? Some times I feel I just need to know some one just wants me there. Oh the thoughts of a care giver

Thursday, October 1, 2009

some time off?

I've had a couple of days off from the nursing home and have so much to do around the house, so here I am. It is sad, how some people live, or are forced to live. The lady I take care of lives so poorly, in such filth, that I can't handle it. I've turned the situation in, but the government take their time and I still go in every day. I have offered to help clean up, but the one doesn't want any help. I swear that they don't feed her more than when the aides are there. I have been advised not to touch anything and just keep notes on what I see, just in case it has to go to court. This is why I want to clean my owe home. I don't want any one seeing the mess I live in. Talking about how I love, we had a leek in our gas line and had to turn off the gas till we can lay new line down the field. No gas, no heat, stove, hot water ect. It's not that bad I just want you to know, life goes on.