Saturday, September 11, 2010

now i have some time

I have a moment by myself, I can let some steam off. I don't like the way my sister is treating my sister. I don't agree with what they want for her and I don't feel welcomed here any more. I can't seem to do anything right even though I know that it is right. I will not come back again and I feel sorry for RoLene. She will be put in a home, maybe by Nov. I t does not matter what she wants. They will do with her dog, and just get rid of her. I can't do anything about it either. I can't wait to go home now. I miss my family but I am useless to any of them. I am sorry that I feel this way, but what can I do?

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

I am using my sister's computer because mine doesn't want to work with wifi. I have been caring for my older sister who has Alzheimer's. She is so lost, most of the day and the sister she is living with has not make it easy on her. She spends too much time alone and unstimulated I've been studying autism and how to teach a child with autism. I feel that Alzheimer's is allot like autism, but backward. When I think of my grand daughter and my sister I see similarities. I wonder if the same therapies would help both? Well tomorrow I go looking for a assistance living for my sister. Wish .luck